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Sie sind hier: Startseite 2007 Workshop - October … Pictures


View some of the pictures taken of the forum here.

On the 25th of October, 2007, the participants of the symposium were welcomed in the great hall of the "Haus zur Lieben Hand" and forum materials were distributed.

Before the official welcoming ceremony by various representatives of the University of Freiburg began, however, calling cards were exchanged (as it is costumary in China).


Prof. Dr. Jäger, presidnt of the Albert-Ludwigs-University welcomed the speakers and other participants of the forum in the name of the University of Freiburg. The dean of the legal faculty, Prof. Dr. Perron also underscored the importance of exchange between Chinese and German legal professionals.



Dr. Klaus Schühle, vice-chairman of the parliamentary  group of the CDU-party in the legislative assembly of Baden-Württemberg, was present and addressed a few introductory words to the forum participants.


Finally, Prof. Dr. Bu, who organized the forum as head of this Chair, addressed an introduction to the assembly.


The reception in the Café of the "Haus zur Lieben Hand" closed the evening and gave the speakers and participants the opportunity to become acquainted.


On the next day, the 26th of October, 2007, the first presentations on Chinese Law took place. First, Prof. Dr. Mi, who teaches at the Chinese University for Politics and Law in Beijing, gave an overview of the disputes surrounding the drafting and implementation of Chinese property law.


After the presentation, Prof. Dr. Stürner, teaching at the University of Freiburg, commented on selected aspects of Chinese property law from a German perspective.


Prof. Dr. Wang, Professor at the Qinghua University of Beijing, focused his presentation on the issue of loan security in the new Chinese property law.


Before the participants left to become acquainted with the local gastronomy and the cafeteria of the University, Prof. Dr. Stadler spoke about the "principle of abstraction", which is known but not applied in China, and about loan security in German law.


In the afternoon, Prof. Dr. Li Yongjun, who also teaches at the Chinese University for Politics and Law, started the new set of presentations by reporting  on the structural organization of Chinese bankruptcy law.


The German perspective on the new business bankruptcy law of the People's Republic of China was explained by the lecturer Dr. Piekenbrock, who is currently occupied at the Institute for German and Foreign Civil Procedure Law of the University of Freiburg.


In the afternoon, employment relationships in the People's Republic of China were analyzed. First, the jurist and director for development of the SWATCH GROUP, Mr. Shi Zhongyang, presented the dismissal protection contained in the new Chinese labor contract law. Then, Prof. Dr. Krebber of the University of Freiburg analyzed, what protection is provided to employees in the competition of labor costs, after the termination of an employment relationship.



The second day of the symposium, Saturday, the 27th of October, began with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Shi Jianzhong of the Chinese University for Politics and Law in Beijing on the framework of antitrust regulations regarding the marketing of products and business transactions in China.


Dr. Ruppelt, a representative of the Federal Cartel Office, analyzed in his presentation, to what extent Chinese anititrust law is guided by competition policy, and which questions it has left open.


The three last presentations of the forum dealt with Chinese corporation and partnership business law. Prof. Dr. Guo Li of Beijing University spoke about financial conglomerates in China, their dependability, models and challenges.



Prof. Dr. Gao, Professor at the Tongji University of Shanghai, presented the reform of the Chinese corporation and partnership business law.


Finally, Prof. Dr. Uwe Blaurock, Professor of this University spoke about the new "corporate governance" in Chinese corporation law.


 The Chair for International Economic Law with special focus on East Asia thanks all lecturers, participants and other helpers for the success of the first symposium on Chinese law.