Sie sind hier: Startseite Vergangene Semester Wintersemester 2013/2014 Vorlesung: Introduction to German …
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Vorlesung: Introduction to German Law

The class falls into two sections complementing each other. Participants are recommended to take part in both:

Public Law

Dr. Philipp Reimer
Mi, 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr c.t.
  Ort: Wilhelmstraße 26, HS 00 006
  Beginn: Mi, 23.10.2013
  Ende: Mi, 11.12.2013


Private Law

  Dozent: Dr. Jens Prütting

24.10.2013 (Ort: KGI, HS 1010),
07.11.2013 (Ort: KGI, HS 1010),
21.11.2013 (Ort: KGII, HS 2004),
05.12.2013 (Ort: KGI, HS 1010)
  Zeit: jeweils von 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr c.t.



Zielgruppe: This class is aimed at incoming Erasmus students and is meant to give those who (still) feel more secure in English than in German a first glance at German Law during the first half of the semester (about eight weeks).


Public Law (Dr. Philipp Reimer):
Core structures of German constitutional and administrative law will be presented— i.a.: federalism, rule of law, the Constitutional Court, fundamental rights, police powers, and planning.

Private Law (Dr. Jens Prütting):
The section “Private Law” will introduce in general structures and questions of the German civil law and lead in addition to this to the principals of capacity to have rights and duties and to perform legal acts, the concept of declaration of will, contracts, agency and voidability of declarations. Based on these principles some very important parts of the law of obligations and the property law will be discussed. About the German civil procedure there will be given just a small overview.